ChatGPT’s description of my book „Networked Hearts“

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German Version

The non-fiction book „Vernetzte Herzen“ (Networked Hearts) by Elisabeth Reisch was published by Econ Verlag in 1997 and deals with the effects of modern information and communication technology on interpersonal relationships.

The author posits that the new technical possibilities lead to people being able to network faster and more intensively, but also to interpersonal relationships dematerializing and thus changing. She describes various facets of these changes, such as the virtualization of relationships, the shift of social activities to the Internet, or the possibility of anonymity on the Net.

However, Reisch also presents positive effects, such as the possibility of making new contacts or maintaining existing relationships over great distances. In doing so, she addresses various aspects, such as finding a partner on the Internet, online communication in relationships, or the dangers of cyberbullying.

The book is written in clear and understandable language and is complemented by numerous case studies and quotes from experts. It is aimed at readers interested in the impact of modern technology on society and interpersonal relationships.

German Version