Schlagwort Project LA 1969

Mission Objective: Zeitgeist Music

Deutsche Version Playlist on Spotify Coach AI Recommendation: The mission goal is to capture the zeitgeist of California in 1969 by listening to the music and understanding the social, political and cultural trends in order to gain a deeper understanding…

Mission Goal: Promote Social Movements

Deutsche Version Recommendation of the Coach KI: Support social movements: Another approach could be to support social movements that advocate for justice and freedom. Where should ME go to get to know the social movement better? KI Coach: In February…


Deutsche Version Let’s brainstorm ideas on how to support a time traveling entity ME in 1969 to make things go better. AI Coach: Here are some ideas that can support your time traveling entity in 1969: Promote civil rights: Promote…

Deap Dream Generator Zyklus LA 1969

Alle Bilder dieses Zyklus wurden mit der freien Benutzung des Deep Dream Generator erstellt. Alle meine Bilder sind im Deep Dream Generator in meinem Nutzerprofil „Augusta“ verfügbar. Du bist herzlich eingeladen, sie Dir im Deep Dream Generator anzusehen, zu kopieren…